Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intent applies to all our young people, regardless of background, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. As a school, and department, we are absolutely committed that the opportunities we plan for and implement ensure that each student can reach and exceed their potential.
Our vision in the Washington MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Department is to provide excellence and opportunity by encouraging a culture of professional, independent learners who are interested in other cultures and the links languages have with other subjects and the world of work. Our young people will develop a life-long love of learning languages through the study of a wide range of relevant and though-provoking themes through expert delivery in their MFL lessons.
All pupils at Washington Academy are, without exception, entitled to a world class linguistic education that is holistic, ambitious, and aspirational by covering different aspects of the subject to open the wider world to them through the love of languages.
The Modern Foreign Languages Department aims to produce confident, capable linguists who can work independently in their Speaking and Writing with a range of more complex vocabulary, tenses, and impressive structures. Our aim is to ensure that pupils are equally proficient in their Reading and Listening skills. We aim for our pupils to show an appreciation of culture using authentic materials from the countries of origin.
We are responsible for ensuring our young people are confident to pursue ambitious next steps in languages education, employment or training which will support their future careers through introducing careers related to languages, the importance of the wide range of transferrable skills that are used in MFL and how these can be used by young people in their future learning or career.
Curriculum Overview
Year 7
- Autumn Term 1: Personal factfile
- Autumn Term 2: Describing others
- Spring Term 1: Spain and Spanish towns
- Spring Term 2: Using poetry to speak about family members
- Summer Term 1: Fashion
- Summer Term 2: Communication
Year 8
- Autumn Term 1: Musical tastes
- Autumn Term 2: Spain and describing towns
- Spring Term 1: Food
- Spring Term 2: Sport, injury and illness
- Summer Term 1: International life- school
- Summer Term 2: Literature
Year 9
- Autumn Term 1: Cinema likes and dislikes
- Autumn Term 2: Celebrations and festivals
- Spring Term 1: Jobs and future plans
- Spring Term 2: Spanish speaking world
- Summer Term 1: Biographies
- Summer Term 2: News
Year 10
- Autumn Term 1: Introduction to GCSE
- Autumn Term 2: Me, my family and friends
- Spring Term 1: Free time activities, modern technology
- Spring Term 2: Customs and festivals
- Summer Term 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
- Summer Term 2: Travel and tourism
Year 11
- Autumn Term 1: Life at school
- Autumn Term 2: Education, jobs, post 16 options
- Spring Term 1: Social and global issues
- Spring Term 2: Revision and Speaking Exam Preparation
- Summer Term 1: Revision and Exam Preparation
- Summer Term 2: Final preparation for GCSE examinations