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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.


School Improvement Board 

Role of the School Improvement Board

Consilium is a Multi-Academy Trust with a family of nine schools across the North West, North East and Yorkshire. Within each school a School Improvement Board (SIB) has been established, including in Washington. The SIB is group that has delegated school improvement responsibility from the Trust Board’s Performance Committee.

The School Improvement Board is chaired by a member of the Trust School Improvement Team and consists of Senior Leaders from other schools in the trust, LAB members and representation from Washington Local Authority.

In order to clearly delineate the SIB and the LAB, the LAB takes responsibility for ensuring that the voices of the community including parents, teachers and students are heard whilst the School Improvement Board focusses on the progress made on School Improvement priorities for the school through a balance of challenge and support.

School Improvement Board (SIB) Structure

Chair of the School Improvement Board  

Chris Davis - Consilium Academies Trust

Representation from School Leaders in other Trust schools

Andrea St John

Gareth Webb

Washington Academy School Leadership Team (SLT)

Mrs V Carter 

Mr M Bainbridge 

Mrs J Mitchell 

Mrs L Parkin 

Mr M McHugh 

Miss H Brooke 

Mrs A Taylor 

Mrs K Oakland 

Mr D Gilboy-Dodds 

Mr S Parker 

Washington Academy Local Academy Board (LAB)

Mrs V Carter 

Mrs K Oakland 

Mrs A Robson 

Mrs V Winspear 

Mr P Hillman 

Mr L Barrett-Duggan

SIB chair

Chris Davis

LAB chair

Vanessa Winspear


Richard Cullen

Local Academy Board 

Consilium is a Multi-Academy Trust with a family of nine schools across the North West, North East and Yorkshire. Within each school a Local Academy Board has been established, including in Wyvern.  Local Academy Boards (LAB’s) may also be known at other Trusts as ‘Academy Committees’, ‘Local Governing Boards’ or ‘Local Advisory Committees.

Each LAB is composed of different members, there are two Parent places available within the LAB, parents of our pupils who are interested in becoming a member are encouraged to apply.  Parent members are elected through the school, using a process which is defined in a key document called the ‘Articles of Association.’

Parent members play an important role within the board. The role is to support the Trust itself through providing insight on behalf of other parents of students who attend Wyvern.  A key function of the LAB is to engage in a meaningful way with all parents and carers as a whole.

The Trust Board determines the level of delegation or responsibility which is to be passed to the Local Academy Boards. This is subject to review on a yearly basis and responsibilities can be added or removed dependent on how well the Trust Board feel that the LAB is managing its role.  Local Academy Boards are a formal and important part of the governance of Consilium Academies and the contributions of members are very much valued by the Trust Board.

Some of the typical areas which are covered at local level may be;

  • Support of the efficient and effective operation of the Trust and its policies
  • Support and challenge (where appropriate) to the school leaders
  • Share issues and risks with the Trust Board if necessary
  • Scrutiny of reports which may be supplied by school leaders or LAB members themselves
  • Provide a meaningful link with the community, parents and the students of the school, sharing feedback with the Board, regarding challenges but also to celebrate successes
  • Provide feedback to the Trust Board in relation to policies and practices which are personal to the school, (policies which are delegated to the LAB are identified in a document called the Scheme of Delegation.

Local Academy Board Representation

The LAB has representation from the community, staff, and parents as well as directors of Consilium Academies (MAT). Any staff or parent vacancies that arise are advertised through the website and via an email to staff for staff LAB member vacancies. Once self-nominations have been received a ballot paper is drawn up, should there be multiple nominations, which is then circulated and voted upon. The staff are balloted for any staff member vacancies and parents are balloted for any parent member vacancies. These results are then publicised and the successful candidate informed.

Chair,  Vanessa Winspear, can be contacted via email at

LAB Membership

Name Member Type Term From Term To Roles
Victoria Carter


    Head teacher – Ex Officio
Mrs Kelly Oakland

Staff (Teaching) Member

20 Nov 2020 19 Nov 2024  
Mrs Amanda Robson

Parent member

07 Dec 2020 6 Dec 2024  
Mrs Vanessa Winspear

Appointed member

16 Jul 2019 15 Jul 2027 Chair
Miss Lisa Robertson Staff (Non Teaching) Member 21 Oct 2021 20 Oct 2025  
Mr Paul Hillman Parent Member 29 Jun 2022 28 Jun 2026  
Mr Lee Barrett-Duggan Appointed Member 06 Dec 2023 05 Dec 2027  

Mr Chris Davis chairs SIB Meetings.

Leavers 2022/2023


Governor Type

First Appointed



Leaving Date

Mrs Punam Khaira Appointed Member 01 Mar 2021 06 Sep 2022 28 Feb 2025 06 Sep 2022
Mrs Senga Kean Appointed Member 02 Oct 2019 02 Oct 2019 01 Oct 2023 09 Jan 2023
Mr Adam Turnbull Parent Member 20 Jan 2022 20 Jan 2022 19 Jan 2026 18 Apr 2023
Mr Chris Fairs Appointed Member 02 Mar 2021 02 Mar 2021 01 Mar 2025 12 Sep 2023

Declarations of Interest


Lead Role

Business or Other Interests

Other Governor Roles

Vanessa Winspear

Local Academy Board Acting Chair



Paul Hillman

Local Academy Board Member



Lisa Robertson

Local Academy Board Member



Amanda Elizabeth Robson

Local Academy Board Member



Kelly Oakland

Local Academy Board Member



Lee Barrett-Duggan   Local Academy Board       Member  None None


LAB Meetings and Attendance

LAB Meeting Attendance 2022-2023





20/06/23 (informal)

Amanda Robson


Vanessa Winspear


Christopher Fairs




Paul Hillman

Senga Kean

Resigned 09/01/23


Adam Turnbull


Resigned 18/04/23


Kelly Oakland

Lisa Robertson