Our curriculum intent applies to all our young people, regardless of background, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. As a school, and as a department we are absolutely committed to providing opportunities that ensure that each student can reach and exceed their potential.
At Washington Academy our young people become global citizens and Geographers inspiring them to ask questions about the world they live in and their role within it. All students are, without exception, entitled to a world-class geographical education that is holistic, ambitious, and aspirational. Our young people develop a life-long love of learning through the study of places at a variety of different scales (local, national, and international), by looking at the human and physical processes that shape and change them. Geographical skills are developed to enhance and deepen geographical thinking, enabling learners to analyse and form conclusions about a range of issues and processes that affect people, the environment, and the natural landscape. It is through this that students will engender the passion for geography that allows students to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values, and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ. Students will draw upon their own experiences of life in modern Britain and the wider world to consider the social, moral, cultural, and ethical issues associated with their actions and the impacts that these have over space and time. Our geographers will utilise a range of geographical skills to interpret and communicate their findings to deepen their understanding and knowledge.
Students follow a programme of study that is developed using the National Curriculum for Geography at KS3. Supplementary to this, to ensure a broad and rich curriculum is delivered; students are provided with the opportunity to deepen their geographical understanding through the exploration of key themes and issues. It is our aim to ensure all students across key stage 3 embed key terms, concepts, and skills that they have previously studied across other units delivered that are driven from the National Curriculum for Geography. Literacy, numeracy, and geographical enquiry skills are fed through our curriculum allowing pupils to focus on the precise technical language and skills needed to make sense and interact with the numerous case studies we study.
Upon entry to Key Stage 4 students deepen their knowledge of Physical and Human Geography (AQA Geography) allowing students to develop an understanding of; the challenging of natural hazards, the living world, physical landscapes in the UK, urban issues, and challenges, changing economic world, challenges of resource management and geographical applications and skills.
We are responsible for ensuring our young people are confident to pursue ambitious next steps in geographical education, employment or training which will support their future careers through introducing careers related to geography, the importance of the wide range of transferrable skills that are used in geography and how these can be used by young people in their future learning or career.
Curriculum Overview:
Year 7
Autumn Term 1: Does wanderlust exist?
Autumn Term 2: Does Wanderlust Exist? & How extreme is weather?
Spring Term 1: How extreme is weather? & Are resources destroying our planet?
Spring Term 2: Are resources destroying our planet? & How will the outline of our world map change?
Summer Term 1: How will the outline of our world map change?
Summer Term 2: Who is responsible for climate change?
Year 8
Autumn Term 1: 8 Billion and Counting?
Autumn Term 2: 8 Billion and Counting? & What ecosystems make up our planet?
Spring Term 1: What ecosystems make up our planet?
Spring Term 2: How endless is water?
Summer Term 1: How endless is water? & How influential is the Middle East?
Summer Term 2: How influential is the Middle East?
Year 9
Autumn Term 1: How influential is Africa?
Autumn Term 2: How has globalisation changed the world?
Spring Term 1: How hazardous is Earth?
Spring Term 2: How has ice shaped our landscape?
Summer Term 1: How diverse is Russia?
Summer Term 2: How prominent is Asia on the world stage?
Year 10
Autumn Term 1: Weather Hazards
Autumn Term 2: Weather Hazards & The Urban World: Rio De Janeiro & Resource Management
Spring Term 1: Climate Change & UK Urban Change
Spring Term 2: UK Urban change & The Development Gap
Summer Term 1: The Development Gap & Coastal Landscapes
Summer Term 2: Coastal Landscapes & Physical Geography Fieldwork
Year 11
Autumn Term 1: Human Geography Fieldwork & Nigeria NEE & Tectonic Hazards
Autumn Term 2: Tectonic Hazards & Changing UK Economy & The Living World: Hot Deserts
Spring Term 1: Tee Living World: Hot Deserts & The Living World: Tropical Rainforests
Spring Term 2: The Living World: Tropical Rainforests & River Landscapes
Summer Term 1: River Landscapes & Pre-Released Material & Revision and Exam Preparation
Summer Term 2: Final preparation for GCSE examinations