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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.

Student Welfare

The Student Welfare Team are skilled, dedicated, and enthusiastic professionals with extensive experience in working with young people in settings that cover Education, Children in Care, and Social Care.

The Student Welfare Team is:

  • Miss L Parkin - Head of Safeguarding
  • Mrs A Bryden — Attendance Manager
  • Mrs D Short - Higher Level Teaching Assistant-Wellbeing
  • Mr J Shell - Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Early Help

A principal aim within welfare is to try to identify and support students with difficulties, as early as possible and offer effective support. We work alongside a range of professionals from Social Care to external mentors attending multi-agency meetings and supporting students in school on a daily basis. The Academy regards effective communication with parents as vitally important, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s Student Welfare Manager if they are concerned about any aspect of their child’s progress or welfare. They may also be able to offer additional support or referrals to external agencies who can assist families.

Student Welfare Managers work alongside the staff within the school to help to provide a safe, caring, and happy school community where each student feels valued. Student Welfare Managers work alongside the Educational Welfare Officer to support students with attendance difficulties. The team works with the Senior Leadership of the academy and teachers on a daily basis to support students to enable them to act within the expectations of the academy and achieve their full potential.

Who is Early Help?

We are all Early Help. Early Help is not a service. Anybody working with children or families is part of Early Help, at the point that problems are identified. The wellbeing of children, young people, and families is everyone’s responsibility. Early Help is the collection of all services available in Sunderland and how they work with families when there are additional or more complex needs, before the need for Children’s Social Care (CSC) and safeguarding procedures.    

Why is it important?

By changing the way we all work, from a late reaction to chronic and acute need to a focus on the root causes of social problems, outcomes for children and families improve, and costly statutory interventions can be avoided.

Mental Health Strategy

Washington Academy mental Health strategy will prioritise the prevention of mental health and wellbeing concerns through a well sequenced PSHCE curriculum and a focus on building emotional intelligence and resilience through all areas of the curriculum and beyond. A focus on an early intervention to meet the social emotional and mental health needs of children and staff who have emerging needs. Creation of systems equipped to identify escalating needs of students to support students and staff and identify onward referral pathways beyond Washington Academy. A whole school commitment to mental health and wellbeing CPD for all staff with an enhanced well planned offer to those offering internal intervention. A strong internal intervention offer formed from evidence based practice where impact is monitored through a robust quality assurance system. 

Students at the school will have access to: 

  • School Counselling 
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health Intervention
  • Emotional Resilience Intervention 
  • Youth Drug and Alcohol services 
  • Early Help Team 
  • Early Help Intervention 
  • Social Prescribers 
  • C Card - Sexual health and Advice 
  • Behaviour Intervention 
  • Mentoring 
  • Peer mentors 

The school works closely with Multi Agency Partners who are also available for further advice and support : 


Prevent is part of the Government’s strategy to address terrorism. The main aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent focuses on all forms of terrorist threats. The Government’s Prevent strategy can be found at the following address:

How can you help?

It is important that we all work together, so we can protect our communities. There are many ways you can help. For example, get in touch with your local neighbourhood or Prevent team for advice and support if you are worried about someone you know who you believe may be vulnerable to radicalisation. Alternatively, you can speak to your local officers about helping run community events to bring people from different communities together.

Resources for Parents: